My Experience

As a petrologist, I am fascinated by metamorphism and the complex compositional and textural record of rocks formed in the Earth’s interior. The aim of my research is to understand the processes that control solid and liquid transformations in the Earth’s interior.

I am here tracing the History of the Earth itself, from its own Monuments.

Jean André Deluc

I have developed a strong dual expertise in computational petrology and analytical geochemistry. I pursue research in fundamental petrochronology and its applications to deepen our understanding of complex metamorphic systems.

Work Experience

University of Lausanne

Associate Professor

Leader of the research group Metamorphic Processes

Since 2024

University of Bern

Assistant Professor

Leader of the research group Computational Petrology

Since 2020

University of Bern

Senior Research Scientist

Oberassistant in Petrology


University of Bern

Research scientist

Postdoc and Assistant in Petrology. EPMA Lab Manager since 2015


University of Grenoble

Extra Space

Teaching Assistant

Petrology and Structural Geology


I’ve Developed

Awards & Grants & Education


Barrow Award 2024

From the Metamorphic Study Group (MSG) of the Geological Society of London and the Mineralogical Society



ERC Starting Grant

Prograde metamorphism Modeling: a new petrochronological and computing framework (PROMOTING; 2 M€), European Research Council.




Geochemistry, Mineralogy, Petrology & Volcanology (GMPV) Division Outstanding Early Career Scientist Award



PhD thesis 

Haüy-Lacroix medal (SFMC) &

University of Grenoble medal for outstanding PhD thesis




University of Grenoble, France




University of Grenoble, France



Bachelor degree

University of Savoie, Chambéry, France


Supervision of Doctoral Students

[22] Philip Hartmeier (supervisor, University of Lausanne, 2025-2030) – Optimisation of thermodynamic databases using experimental and natural data.

[21] Noralinde de Leijer (supervisor, University of Lausanne; 2024-2029) – Mineral composition systematics in metapelitic field gradients under crustal conditions.

[20] Lucas Tesser (co-supervisor (30%), University of São Paulo;  1-year stay at University of Lausanne) – Garnet speedometry using trace and major elements.

[19] Paulo Paiva-Silva (co-supervisor (30%), Federal University of Minas Gerais; 2023-2027) – Fluid-rock interaction processes in the Raspas ophiolite.

[18] Nils Gies (co-supervisor (30%), University of Bern; 2021-2025) – Incorporation of hydrogen in metamorphic clinopyroxene.

[17] Thorsten Markmann (supervisor, University of Bern; 2020-2024) – Petrochronology of fluid-rock interaction processes with application to the Alps and the Cyclades.

[16] Hugo Dominguez Carranza (supervisor, University of Bern; 2020-2024) – Simulation of reactive multi-phase fluid flows in medium to high-grade metamorphic terranes.

[15] Jiahui Liu (co-supervisor (35%), University of the Chinese Academy of Sciences; 1-year stay at University of Bern) – High-temperature metamorphism in the Fuping area of the Trans-North China Orogen.

[14] Qian Zhang (co-supervisor (35%), University of the Chinese Academy of Sciences; 1-year stay at University of Bern) – Titanite petrochronology in HP mafic granulites of the Dunhuang orogenic belt in China

[13] Julien Reynes (co-supervisor (30%), University of Bern; 2016-2020) – Incorporation of hydrogen in metamorphic garnet.

[12] Alice Vho (co-supervisor (50%), University of Bern; 2016-2020) – Tracing the invisible fluid paths in the crust using forward oxygen modelling and an internally-consistent database (Sesia-Lanzo Zone, Italy).

[11] Thomas Bovay (co-supervisor * (30%), University of Bern; 2016-2021) – Tracing fluid paths in oceanic crust during Alpine subduction (Zermatt-Saas Zone).

[10] Angel Santamaria Lopez (co-supervisor * (30%, 4 months stay at the University of Bern), University of Malaga; 2014-2018) – tectono-metamorphic evolution of the Nevado-Filabride complex (Betic, Spain).

[9] Valentin Laurent (co-supervisor * (30%), Université d’Orléans; 2013-2017) – Strain localization in high-pressure low-temperature shear zones and the argon isotopic record.

[8] Mahyra Tedeschi (co-supervisor * (33%), Univ. Minas Gérais & Univ. Bern; 2014-2017) – Unravelling P-T-t evolution of the southern Brasilia Origen.

[7] Laura Airaghi (co-supervisor * (50%), Univ. Grenoble; 2014-2017) – The importance of geological inheritance in the short term/long term deformation and in the thickening of the Eastern border of Tibetan plateau.

[6] Camille Litty (co-supervisor * (20%), Univ. Bern; 2013-2017) – Erosional mechanisms and fluvial sediment transport in the Western Peruvian Andes.

[5] Marco Burn (co-supervisor (50%), Univ. Bern; 2012-2016) – LA-ICP-QMS Th-U/Pb allanite dating: methods and applications.

[4] Chloé Loury (co-supervisor * (33%), Univ. Nice; 2013-2016) – Palezoic structuration of the Tianshan range and and role of tectonic inheritance (Kyrgyzstan).

[3] Francesco Guintoli (co-supervisor * (33%), Univ. Bern; 2011-2015) – P-T-t-d evolution of the Sesia Zone (Aosta Valley, Westen Alps).

[2] Barbara Kunz (co-supervisor (20%), Univ Bern; 2011-2016) – Petrochronological evolution of the lower continental crust fragments of the Sesia Zone.

[1] Vincent Trincal (co-supervisor * (20%), Univ. Franche-Comté; 2011-2014). Fluid-rock interaction in greenschist facies faults.

Supervision of Undergraduate Students

[17] Nathan Mäder (supervisor, University of Bern, Bachelor thesis (2023-2024) – Modeling cation diffusion in garnet in 3D.  

[16] Aiyana Diwa (supervisor, University of Bern, Bachelor thesis (2022-2023) – Comparisons of metapelites from the contact aureole at Nelson Batholith, British Columbia in a prograding sequence.

[15] Philip Hartmeier (supervisor, University of Bern, Master thesis, 2022-2024) – Application of artificial intelligence in petrology and geochemistry.

[14] Philip Hartmeier (supervisor, University of Bern, Bachelor thesis, 2021-2022) – Classification of garnet shape in 3D using convolutional neural networks.

[13] Julia Dietrich (supervisor, University of Bern, Bachelor thesis, 2020-2021) – Grain size distribution of garnet in metasediments from the Central Alps.

[12] Maria Thereza A. G. Yogi (co-supervisor (50%, 6 months stay at the University of Bern), Master thesis, University of São Paulo, 2018-2019) – Petrochronological approach for constraining PTDt paths in mylonitic metapelites from Votuverava Group.

[11] Silvia Lomonte (co-supervisor (50%), 3 weeks stay at the University of Bern), Master thesis, Pisa 2017-2017) – Tectono-metamorphic evolution of the Massa Unit: an integrated approach (N-Apennines, Italy).

[10] Inès Naïr (co-supervisor (25%), Master 2 thesis, Orléans 2016) – Tectonometamorphic evolution of a fossilized subduction channel: Insights from a multi- thermobarometry approach (Cycladic Blueschist Unit, Syros, Greece).

[9] Simon Hafner (co-supervisor (33%), Master thesis, Bern 2016) – The thermal peak in metamorphic black shales: Gradients in the Valaisan units and contrast to tectonic neighbours.

[8] Aude Verly (co-supervisor (50%), Master 2 thesis, Grenoble 2015) – Tectono-metamorphic evolution of the Alpine continental subduction (Acceglio, Western Alps).

[7] Rahel Baumann (co-supervisor (30%), Bachelor thesis, Bern 2015) – Zwischen Hammer und Amboss: Wie gerieten die schwarzen Schiefer um Brig zwischen den penninischen Deckenstappel und das Aar-Massiv?

[6] Aude Verly (co-supervisor (33%), Master 1 thesis, Grenoble 2014) – Pre-collision structural and metamorphic evolution of the Briançonnais sedimentary cover (Montgenèvre, Western Alps).

[5] Chloé Loury (co-supervisor (33%), Master 2 thesis, Nice 2013) – HP metamorphism in Atbashi range (South Tianshan, Kyrgyzstan): evidence for eclogites exhumation in a sedimentary subduction channel.

[4] Valentin Nigg (co-supervisor (25%), Bachelor thesis, Bern 2013) – Rb-Sr analyses of carbonates (internal zone, central Alps).

[3] Stefanie Diener (co-supervisor (25%), Bachelor thesis, Bern, 2013) – Petrological study of magmatic intrusions using microprobe X-ray images (Central Alps).

[2] Blandine Gardonio (supervisor (100%), Master 1 thesis, Grenoble, 2012) – P-T estimate in chloritoid-grade metasediments using a multi-equilibrium approach and X-ray images.

[1] Félix Bernier (co-supervisor (50%), Master 1 thesis, Grenoble, 2011) – Chlorite-mica-chloritoid equilibria in green-schist facies metasediments (Urseren outcrop, Central Alps).

Services to the Scientific Community

Associate editor: Computers & Geosciences (2018-2025)

Guest co-editor & author: Reviews in Mineralogy and Geochemistry (2016-2017); Special publication of the Geological Society of London (2017-2019)

Reviewer for 26 international scientific journals (alphabetic order): American Mineralogist; Applied Geochemistry; Applied Computing and Geosciences; Chemical Geology; Clay Minerals; Computers and Geosciences; Comptes Rendus Geoscience ; Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology; Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems; Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta; Geological Journal; Geological Society of London, Special Publications; Geology; Geoscience Frontiers; Geostandards and Geoanalytical Research; International Journal of Physical Sciences; Journal of Geodynamics; Journal of Metamorphic Geology; Journal of Petrology; Lithos; Lithosphere; Mineralogical Magazine; Mineralogia; Minerals; Reviews in Mineralogy and Petrology; Tectonophysics; Treatise on Geochemistry.

Evaluation boards: SNFS panel member for funding scheme Postdoc.Mobility (2022-present); Referee panel member for the Research Council of Norway (2024-present).

Reviewer for funding agencies (alphabetic order): ANR (France); INSU (CNRS, France); SNFS (Switzerland); DFG (Germany); ERC (Europe); FWF (Austria)


Session(s) organizer at EGU: 2014, 2015, 2016 (2), 2017, 2018; AGU: 2014; GSA: 2017; Goldschmidt: 2018; IAMG: 2022.

2013-2019 Founder, main organizer and teacher of the international workshop and short course series “PETROCHRO” with ten events since 2013 (Nice, Potsdam, Bern, Vienna, Seattle, Belo Horizonte, Boston, Sète, Potsdam, Barcelona).

2017-19 Early Career Scientist (ECS) co-representative and webmaster of the GMPV division of EGU

2016-19 Member of the scientific board and member of the evaluation committee for the Haüy-Lacroix medal of the Société Française de Minéralogie et Cristallographie (SFMC).

2019-2021 SFMC Officer (vice treasurer).

2021-present SFMC Officer (vice secretary).

Invited Seminar Presentations and Keynotes

2024: MSG-meeting (medal talk); University Clermont-Auvergne; University Grenoble-Alps; University of Lausanne; University of Oslo.

2023: University of Turin; Sorbonne University; Goldschmidt (Lyon); 2023 Annual Meeting of China Geoscience Electron Probe Microanalysis Technology Platform (keynote).

2022: Journées SFMC (Lille, keynote); UNIL Lausanne; International Eclogite Conference 14 (Lyon).

2021: Petrochronics talk (online); MSG-meeting (keynote).

2019: University of Geneva; EMAS conference (Trondheim, Norway, keynote); EGU conference (Vienna).

2018: Syracuse University; University of Mainz; University of Bern; ETH Zurich.

2017: University of Montpellier; EGU-2017 Vienna; Geosciences: a tool in a changing world, Pisa-2017 (keynote).

2016: American Museum of Science (NY).

2015: ETH Zurich; University of Orléans; University of Kiel; University of Bern.

2014: UNIL Lausanne; University of Bern; ISTerre Grenoble; University of Nice Sophia-Antipolis.

2013: University Franche-Comté (Besançon); SFMC Paris.

2012: University of Nice Sophia-Antipolis; University of Jean-Monnet (Saint-Étienne).